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Getting Started
Welcome to CiviPlusAn introduction to the Knowledge Base
Organising your dataThis step is essential!
Contact TypesUnderstanding the basics about Contact Types in CiviPlus
RelationshipsUnderstanding the basics about Relationships in CiviPlus
Activity TypesCreate your own Activity Types, and use them with Custom Fields
Custom FieldsAn introduction to Custom Fields in CiviPlus, and example of how to create them
Dropdown lists (Option Groups)How to manage lists of preset values for fields like Prefixes, Statuses etc.
Adding Users and RolesThe basics about Users, Roles and Permissions in CiviPlus
Importing your dataUse the Wizards to easily import Contact, Activity, Event Participant, Contribution and Mebership data into CiviPlus
Getting started for sending mailingA few simple configuration steps before you start sending emails from CiviPlus
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