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FAQ Listing paragraph
Written by CiviPlus Helpdesk
Updated over 2 months ago

Display an accordion of categorised questions and answers anywhere in the page.

Note: In order to display an FAQ item in the listing each one is required to be added as an item of content - you can find out how to add this content by clicking the button below.

Once you have some FAQ items you can add a title which is displayed left align above the accordion, then choose which category of FAQ items are relevant for your page by selecting the 'FAQ type'.

Display behaviour to note.

The FAQ accordion is displayed 'collapsed' when the user visits the page, selecting an item un-collapse's that item. Selecting another item collapses an open item and un-collapses the selected one. ie: only one item is open at any time.

Examples of an FAQ listing paragraph display

Initially the accordion is collapsed when the page opens

Display of an FAQ item expanded after being selected

Examples of the FAQ listing paragraph form

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