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Website builder
Learn how to build your website with PlusCMS
PlusCMS terminologyCommonly used phrases or labelling of concepts in PlusCMS.
Building PagesLearn the basics on how to create content pages for your site.
Managing ContentLearn how to Add, find and edit content.
Managing MenusLearn how to create and manage menus, menu links and to add menu links when saving content.
Managing your files
Content types
Learn about content types in the website
Introduction to content typesLearn about the basics of the content types in the site.
Learn about paragraphs which help build out your content
Paragraphs Introduction
Additional configuration of paragraphs
Editorial paragraphsParagraphs that can be added and configured to display text and images entered by the editor9 articles
Card paragraphsParagraphs that can be added and configured to display content which is already in the site or manually added content which is to be displayed as a card17 articles