This page mentions the term 'Node' or 'Nodes' :
Node: within Drupal, a node is a piece of content. All data stored via a content type is a node.
Nodequeue is a way to curate a list of nodes to be displayed to users in the content page.
Through a simple interface users are able to manually order any queue. Additionally, nodes can be added and removed from queues without needing edit permissions to the node.
Node queues can be managed through the 'Nodequeue' menu item under the 'Structure' menu.
My node queues
By default there are 5 Nodequeue's in PlusCMS
Featured events
Featured news
Featured opportunities
Featured past events
Featured resources
All of the above Nodequeue's contain content items associated with their content type that have been selected as 'Featured' in the page.
The node queue is accessed through the listing paragraph for the above content types for example - the Featured events listing paragraph provides an option to use the Featured events nodequeue.
Selecting this nodequeue in the paragraph configuration changes the display to only show items which are in the nodequeue in the order that they appear in the nodequeue ie: items which are 'Featured' are displayed in the order of their position set in the nodequeue configuration.
How are nodes added to the Queue?
For the default nodequeues nodes are added to the queue automatically in the order that they are selected as being 'Featured' ie: the most recent node chosen as selected will be inserted at the top of the queue and therefore displayed in the paragraphs where the nodequeue is used.
The nodequeue can be updated as mentioned above when the user has the role 'Content manager'