Along with the preset fields which may exist on the content type you are using PlusCMS provides building blocks called ‘Paragraphs’.
Paragraphs use a predefined collection of fields in different areas to ensure consistency in design and format while simultaneously allowing for ease in content input.
In PlusCMS there are two types: Editorial Paragraphs & Card Paragraphs:
Editorial paragraphs:
These paragraphs can be added and configured to display text and images entered by the editor.
Basic Text
Video embed
Text with side image
Image with caption
Block Quote
Files / Attachments
Slideshow gallery
Webform (embed)
Card paragraphs:
These paragraphs can be added and configured to display content which is already in the site or manually added content which is to be displayed as a card.
Events listing
News listing
Past Events listing
Opportunities listing
Navigation cards
Resource listing
Team Listing
Partner Listing
Views (embed)
External product cards
Personalised cards
Collection cards
A Paragraph can be added by choosing which paragraph type you want to add and then completing the fields provided by the paragraph.
Multiple paragraphs can be added to the page and they can be dragged and dropped within the edit page to adjust the display.