You can use this paragraph type to create a display of all current and upcoming Events.
This paragraph can be configured and displays in the same way as the Main past event listing paragraph.
Choose how many rows you would like to display
Filter the Featured events by a single or multiple taxonomy term(s)
Choose whether the content filters should be displayed to the user.
Choose the text to display for the view all link - This is linked to the Event index page which shows all (unfiltered) current or upcoming event content.
Choose whether a map will be displayed
Chose whether to include event content that is submitted only through the SSP, CMS or both.
Map display:
With certain configurations and extensions it is possible to provide a postcode lookup for users to refine their search on the map display.
When showing the map the events with a geographical location (those that have the address fields completed) will display on the map as pins. When clicked the pins will display some event details. The event title is displayed as a link and when clicked will take the user to the event content page
Fields that exist on this paragraph type are:
* = Required
Title - Text field
Lead feature card - Dropdown, option :
Full width (100%) lead card
Style - Dropdown *, option:
1 card per row
Number of row - Text field
Filter by - Dropdown
Options available from the vocabularies - Career stages/Event types and Region (or whatever label have been created for your categorisation)
Expose filters - Dropdown * - Yes / No
"View all" link title - Text field *
Show map - Checkbox
Include Self Service Portal Submitted Content - Dropdown *, options:
Only Content Not Submitted via Self Service Portal
Only Content Submitted via Self Service Portal
The layout and background of the paragraph can be configured with the additional fields:
Background image - Image upload
Background colour - Dropdown
The background colour can be selected from the core brand colours defined in the theme variables.
Width - Dropdown
Default options - Narrow/Medium/Wide/Full/Full bleed
Partial background %
Select the % of the background to apply colour to.
Partial background orientation, choose the position of the partial background
From top / From bottom
Top margin - Dropdown
Default options - Auto/96/48/32/16/8/0px
Bottom margin - Dropdown
Default options - Auto/96/48/32/16/8/0px
Examples of the Main event listing paragraph display
Exposed filters and map displayed
Exposed filters and no map
Multiple rows displayed - no map or filters
Example of the Main event listing paragraph form