Display a grid or a carousel of your partners which can defined by a taxonomy 'Partner type' or display all by leaving this field empty.
The display can be further configured to display cards as small, medium or large.
Note: In order to display the partners in the listing each one is required to be added as an item of content - you can find out how to add this content by clicking the button below.
Fields that exist on this paragraph type are:
* = Required
Title - Text field
Partner type - Dropdown
Card size - Dropdown *
Default options - Small/Medium/Large
Display - Dropdown
Default options - Carousel/Show all
The layout and background of the paragraph can be configured with the additional fields:
Background image - Image upload
Background colour - Dropdown
The background colour can be selected from the core brand colours defined in the theme variables.
Width - Dropdown
Default options - Narrow/Medium/Wide/Full/Full bleed
Partial background %
Select the % of the background to apply colour to.
Partial background orientation, choose the position of the partial background
From top / From bottom
Top margin - Dropdown
Default options - Auto/96/48/32/16/8/0px
Bottom margin - Dropdown
Default options - Auto/96/48/32/16/8/0px
Examples of a Partner listing paragraph display
With title, card size - Large and carousel display
With title, card size - Large and 'show all' display
Examples of the Partners listing paragraph form