Partners content in itself does not display as a page but is used as content for the Partners listing paragraph.
The Partners content type can be categorised by using the Partner type taxonomy dropdown field, ensure you have created or have an existing partner type taxonomy term to associate to your partner. This field an be used when configuring which partners you would like to display in the Partner listing paragraph.
The partners content can be managed from an admin content screen which can be found under the content menu - see below.
Selecting 'Partners' will take you to the admin screen where you can manage and add new Partner content
Selecting 'Add partner' will take you directly to the partner content form to start creating content.
Each Partner has the fields:
* = Required
Name - Text field *
Main image - Image upload *
Alternative text - Text field
Weight - Dropdown *
Partner type - Dropdown
URL - Text field
Example of the Partner content admin display
Example of an Partner content form